Tuesday 20 August 2013

Had a setback :(

Hey everyone!

Its been a long time since I've posted, so I just passed my 12th week, not without a few setbacks. I had one of the worst stomach aches I've ever experienced and was in hospital for 2 days, which obviously messed with my deviation free trend :( So I lost two days on the diet.

Moving on! I weighed and I'm at 92 kg's, which brings me to 26 kg's lost so far! I'm very pleased. I must say that I've become very lazy with my food preparation, and I'm bored with it, so starting today, I'm researching some new food ideas. I can't wait for the winter to pass, so that all the nice fruit will be in season again, the imported ones are just too pricey, so I'll wait, just a few more weeks then it's spring!

I'm gonna go on my first weekend away in October, I'm very nervous about that! never been away since I started my diet, but I'm gonna go prepared with all my pre-weighed meat and veggies, and a schedule to keep me on track.

So until next time, stay healthy and positive!


Tuesday 16 July 2013

8 More kg's GONE!


My weigh in results is better than I expected! 8 more kg's down, that's a total of 17 kg's so far yay! I'm looking forward to reaching the nineties, so that's where I'll be at my next weigh in, I'm standing on the brink of it at 101 kg's right now.

I'm gonna start rebounding now, for 10 minutes a day, don't want to overdo it. I'm still a bit doubtful about putting my picture out there, will think about that some more lol.

The only thing bothering me at the moment is the fact that it is winter and all the nice fruit is not in season yet, so I'm looking forward to the end of August so that I may start eating the nice stuff lol. I still keep my food interesting, using the recipe book, looking up recipes online. It's really amazing to see how many people are following the eating plan, and how many lives it has changed, I just wish I know about this a few years ago, but it's never too late!

I'm introducing quite a few people to my consultant lol, they are just too impressed with the way I'm losing weight and how healthy I look, it feels great!

So until next time, inspire someone to live healthy!


Wednesday 3 July 2013

It's been a long time!


Week 8 in full swing, almost time for next weigh in, I'm still on track! So glad! didn't know I had so much will power, no more craving and offers yay! I don't have much to say, just can't wait for my weigh in! Mu pants are so loose, they look awful, will have to alter soon. Will keep you posted on my weigh in next week!

Until then, I'll be getting thinner!


Tuesday 11 June 2013

Week 4 DONE!

Hey everyone!

So I'm off to my official weigh in tomorrow, but took a head start yesterday, 9 kg's lost! what an achievement so far, and I'm feeling more and more confident as my clothes are getting loose and my skin's clearing up, I just love this, wow! Can't wait to see my consultant, she'll be very pleased!

Just a quick update, I'll post again soon!


Monday 27 May 2013

And time's flying!

Hey all!

I know I said I'll post, but time just slipped away. So I'm starting week 3 tomorrow, I've lost 6.5 kg's so far, and I feel my clothes starting to become loose. I still have a long way to go.

Trying to get used to the idea of weekends and visits, that's the most difficult, Yesterday was especially bad, I had to resist my favorite "koeksisters" but I'm proud to say that I've resisted all temptation so far, and I don't intend to deviate at all, good luck to me!

I'm still loving the food, not hungry anymore, and this little old small portion fills me up now, most of the day I don't have the crackers at all, but I eat both my fruit everyday.

My mindset is still on track, though the old thinking still slips in now and then, but the I just remind myself of how long I had to wait to be permitted to start the program, so I won't let my motivation slip at all.

Here's to another two weeks deviation free, and more weight loss!

Monday 20 May 2013

Day 7 - Time surely flies!

Hi everyone!

Week one almost complete! so I've decided to weigh myself weekly, but this morning I just couldn't resist... I lost 4.6 kg's so far! I'm over the moon!

O.k, so I'm calming down again, back to the my original post lol. I've read over and over again that weekends are the most difficult, and indeed it is. I found myself surrounded by all my favorites this weekend, but I stayed strong and just said no! Every time someone offered something, I just looked at my phone and reminded myself:

So having almost completed my 1st week It's safe to say that I can do this, and I'm not disappointing myself this time.

So here's to another cheat free week!


Thursday 16 May 2013

Day 3 Still deciding

Hi everyone!

Day 3 and all is going well, I opted not to eat any meat for breakfast and lunch, just to see if my hunger pangs would be worse than yesterday. So I had yogurt again today, mixed with my apple and (at 7:30) I had cauliflower and ricotta cheese and two crackers for lunch at 13:30. I snacked on one cracker between breakfast and lunch and had my second fruit at 15:00.

I must say the hunger pangs are not as bad as yesterday but I still have a light headache, but its nothing I can't handle. Been reading up for some pointers and learned a lot. I just hope to God that this positive attitude carries through right till the end, I'm scared and excited all at the same time.

You might be wondering what it is that I'm deciding about, well I'm deciding about posting a before picture, or maybe just posting a before and after at the same time after I'm done with my journey.

Having never experienced what it's like to be slim, I'm absolutely terrified, but having decided to do this not just for myself but also to be there for my daughter, to see her grow up, matriculate, achieve things, getting married and so on, I'm also determined to see this through.

I started gaining weight when I was in grade 3, and believe when I say, I don't remember what being thin feels like. Over the years my weight has just climbed and climbed. I love eating just about anything and also eating nothing, which is probably the main reason why I got this way, not eating the whole day, then having a big dinner, not to mention weekends when I didn't feel like going out and buying all sorts of foods, chocolates, soda's and potato chips, basically overeating and fasting.

Anyway, I'm off to a good start, if you have anything to say please comment.
PS. This is last nights dinner.
